Befriend Your Body

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    Audio: Healing Meditation

    As part of life on Earth, your body is permeated with the adaptive wisdom of the ages. Whether you think of life as a gift from God or as an emergent property of complex molecules, the trillions of cells you call yourself are masters of survival. In every moment, without your noticing it, many millions of tiny processes are occurring which guard your health, maintain your inner equilibrium, and give you the energy to go after your goals.

    You had many tiny cuts which healed and you barely noticed. You were exposed to innumerable kinds of virus and potentially infectious bacteria which the many layers of your immune system took care of. Perhaps you walked a longer distance than usual one day, and your legs were a little sore the next day. Your body recovered without your attending to it. Even when there are major medical events, the surgery or medication is usually a temporary measure that helps the body get a handle on the event, and then nature does the healing.

    Take a breath right now and recall some little cuts you had in the past that healed by themselves. Now remember some emotional wounds, losses, or setbacks you suffered in the past, and have healed from. Next, recall a time you got very tired, had a good night’s sleep, and woke up refreshed. Continual self-healing is the normal way the body functions.

    Sometimes the injury is greater and the healing cycle lasts longer, and the body needs our conscious cooperation in order to heal. The wound needs our attention and care. Wounds, whether they be physical or emotion, call us with the signal known as “pain,” and demand that we learn how to help restore balance and health. When consciousness becomes involved in cooperating with life in search of healing, then we are on a quest – a quest for wholeness.

    Meditation is a powerful tool on this quest. It’s widely known that meditation allows a profound rest and repose, which has a healing effect. For thousands of years in many lands meditation has been cherished because it helps tune your intuition and clarify the signals you are getting from your body, the signals that tell you what you need to do.

    What is not widely appreciated is that each meditation is itself a journey of healing and discovery, in which we answer the call to go within, and fall through our inner gateways into the depths of being.