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    Virtual Sutra Jam With Lorin and Camille - Playing With The Radiance Sutras


    Friday, September 4th, 2020

    4 pm Pacific/Midnight UK/Saturday 9am Eastern Australia

    Radiance Sutras Lovers!

    Lorin and Camille are drumming up some online Sutra Jams and we want you to join us. Yes! On these global gatherings we play with the verses, give readings and commentary ~ a chance for us to be together and have some fun.

    We plan to alternate the time so folks in different time zones (Europe, Australia) can participate. This first Sutra Jam is limited to RSMTT folks only (50 people). The call will be recorded. Register below for only $20. Registration closes
    24 hours before the event - at 4 pm PT on Thursday, Sep 3.