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    May Full Moon - Global Meditation with Dr. Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine

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    The Full Moon is exact the same day, Sunday, 9:15pm PT, so we will be meeting at the height of this powerful energy.
    Lorin and Camille will guide a deep meditation, sharing several of the Radiance Sutras. Meditating as the moon is in fullness is an optimum time to receive the blessings of this Festival.

    This is the second of three powerful Full Moon Festivals ~ an optimum time to meditate:

    • Welcome an influx of spiritual energy and support.

    • Tune in to the heart's desire, the call of the Soul.

    • Resonate with the deep energies of love and wisdom.

    This event is for our extended global community ~ you are welcome to share the registration link with your friends, family, or students.

    We would love to have you with us live—free of charge.
    If you can’t make it, the recording for the event will be available in our subscription community. Join us for only $29/month (try for free for 10 days, cancel any time).